'Island of Barra. - A much valued correspondent in Stornoway writes us:-
The House of Barra, on the island of the same name, in the West Highlands, the late residence of the Macneils, and the property of Colonel Gordon of Cluny, was lately totally destroyed by fire.
He also narrates the following curious circumstance:-
Two years ago a few deer were brought from Athol to Tarbat, on the island of Harris, by the late Earl of Dunmore, and there turned at large.
In the month of November last, one of these, a fine stag, swam across the Sound of Harris, a distance of about five miles, went through North and South Uist, swam across from South Uist to Barra, a distance of eight miles, remained there a month where it daily fed on the turnip field at the house of Oligary, and then returned to South Uist where it was lately seen.
“This,” says our friend, “is worth while putting in the paper.”
It really is.'
Greenock Advertiser, quoted in the Glasgow Herald of 26th January 1846
Today, of course, his journey would require him to undertake a little less swimming! - http://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/techservices/bridgescausewaysferries/index.asp
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