A recent exchange on a friend's blog
occasioned me to revisit my post on the Hamlet of Limera where I had written that:
“Secondly, we have the 8 men, each a
‘Fisher’, and ranging in age from 14 to 48. Whether this was their ‘permanent’
abode or they were merely making-use of the facilities whilst fishing the local
waters I do not know. I do know that a group of, largely, such young men cannot
have chosen to be living together in such circumstances if there were a more
companionable alternative available.”
Deciding to look at the original census return
on scotlandspeople.gov.uk, I saw a note in the margin referring to these two
groups of fishers:
contents of schedules 22 & 23 are two fishing boats’ crews; they belong to
other parts of this parish but have also houses here (Limera) as being an
eligible fishing station: they were both at sea when their schedules were taken
up. Their relation to one another or the ‘Head of Family’ could not in every case be
ascertained by R M Esq.’
‘R M Esq’ appears to have been Roderick MacKay,
the Enumerator who also describes the location specifically as the ‘Station of
The interesting pieces of additional information
are that, whilst the two crews were indeed ‘making-use
of the facilities...’ which I had suggested might be the case, the
houses they inhabited were in fact occupied by them in what appears to have
been a regular manner at this ‘eligible
fishing station’.